LEVO C3: Excellent drive, ultimate standing
Meet the ultimate powered standing wheelchair. The LEVO C³ is compact, agile, easy to handle and extremely powerful. Perfect for active people on the move. Curbs part of your daily commute? No problem with the LEVO C³ drive system that turns a maneuverable mid-wheel base into a powerful, climbing 4 wheel drive action base. For classroom, work or home, you also have the tight turning radius and agile maneuverability of a mid-wheel base.
Meer info: C3 brochure.pdf
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Xavier De Cocklaan 82
9830 Sint-Martens-Latem
Tel: 09/282 23 33
E-mail: onthaal@derijcker.be
Maandag - donderdag 8u30 – 12u30 en 13u30 – 17u30 Vrijdag 8u30 – 12u30 en 13u30 – 17u00 Weekend gesloten
Orthopunt - Zaventem
Hoogstraat 23
1930 Zaventem
Maandag - vrijdag 8u30 – 19u00 Zaterdag 9u00 – 12u00 Zondag gesloten